Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Then I Realized...

Concerned about all the folks on the East Coast with Sandy having roared in with more water than belongs on land, my heart goes out to all involved. I was just listening to “My Hope” by Paul Baloche http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuKY8G9i64w and thought I’d share it on Facebook for anyone it could help.

Then, I realized that those who need it most, or that it could possibly mean the most to in the middle of this storm, may not have the power to hear it. Not sure how long your computer or iPod or phone battery works…

Then, I realized that is the case much of the time for any of us going through the storms of life.  When the storm is at its peak, our power goes out, and our ability to receive help is almost nil.  What do I mean by “our power is knocked out”?  That’s when we struggle the most with believing we will be rescued, or that we are not alone, or that God is who he says he is and does what he says he will do.

Then, I realized that the Holy Spirit who lives on the earth now, is here and ready to work. And, that’s his job!  He gives power, enabling us to receive – God’s love, God’s power, God’s mercy, God’s grace, God’s strength…basically everything we receive from God.

Then, I realized that my best thing to do for those I’m concerned for in the path of the storm “Sandy” is to pray. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be theirs. Pray for the Holy Spirit to surround, invade, interrupt the fear, the doubt, the anguish, the sadness, the grief, the hurt, the loss, the pain they are experiencing. May you do just that Holy Spirit! Come and generate enough power for them to live on. Give them wisdom for the day, for the moment. Give them hope. For now, and for a lifetime. Give them provision, both physical and spiritual food. Bring your best game, today. Come in power, come in love. Come in your mercy and unending faithfulness.

Then, I realized that a verse I read yesterday has life for today. Yesterday I read a verse from Psalm 89: 8 which says “O Lord God Almighty! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, Lord? Faithfulness is your very character.” Holy Spirit, generate the power to believe that God is truly faithful. Generate the power to trust, to give over the fear, to accept Your peace today.

Then I realized that the little devotional book I picked up Sunday “The Same Love” by Paul Baloche (yes, you may see I’m on a roll here) had a verse from Mark 5 where Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid. Just trust me.” What a call during any storms we are in. Jesus knows that when things get bad, our own personal “fear factor” goes way up, and our power, or ability, or desire to trust is diminished. He’s ahead of all that. He already knew that. He realized a long time ago how we would struggle with today. Yet, he knows that “faithfulness is his very character” therefore he asks us to trust him.

Then I realized that I need the Holy Spirit to generate faith, and trust, and peace today as well.  One of my favorite passages is in Ephesians 3 where Paul (not Baloche) is praying for spiritual empowering…and he prays that the Holy Spirit would give “mighty inner strength” and that the Holy Spirit would “give the power to understand” how much God loves us…”power enabling us to experience God’s love”. May that be so today. May all of us in storms, physical or spiritual ones, have the power that can only be generated by the Holy Spirit to receive all God has for us.

Then I realized that the Holy Spirit is the generator who generates his own power, who never quits, who never needs repair, who can’t be stopped by sin, wind, or waves. Who is always on and is inviting us to plug in to him now. I’m pluggin’ in and prayin’ for you too. I’m just sayin’.