Friday, December 17, 2010

Fridays are a mindset

I just now wrote in my journal: "It’s Friday! Yay!" Then I thought, "why are Fridays such a big deal to me?” I’m a homemaker! 

Friday is a mindset we would do well to live in for more days a week.  We have a better outlook for a day.  We anticipate enjoying the next couple of days rather than dread them. In reality most people have to work at least one, if not both days on the weekend.  Maybe not at the workplace but at home or helping friends and family.  And some kind of “relational” work usually takes place. However, we cheerfully enjoy Fridays because we look forward to a break, a change of pace.

I think retirement is like years of Fridays all strung together. It’s not that we don’t have work to do, but the anticipation boosts our energy level.  We tend to have a clearer mind about what’s important. We don’t try to do too much.  We plan fun activities long awaited and “re-creation” occurs.  Life gets livelier. Our hearts get bigger, and we are able to give and receive love more readily.

My husband recently retired after working for forty years and is taking some time to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. Interestingly, it feels like I retired too.  He had long hours and a killer schedule working from home.  I scheduled around his schedule.  Now, my calendar feels as empty and free as his does.  By the way, I’ve not cancelled anything. J

I’m cheerfully looking forward to the days ahead, just like on Fridays. We are in a transition and probably have more work to do than ever but it feels different. I realize that in a few years, my perspective will most likely change, but today I say “Hello weekend, hello retirement! You have put pep in my step!” I’m just sayin’. Proverbs 17: 22a  A cheerful heart is good medicine...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crumbs, it's what's for dinner

If I were to develop a brand of dog food, I would name it Crumbs.  Dogs love crumbs!  I don't feel bad when I accidentally rake some off the kitchen counter, 'cause I know my Brandi Lea will scarf them up in no time.

Can you imagine going into PetSmart with your dog to pick up their food and when they see the bag labeled "Crumbs" they go wild, jumping, sniffing, and wanting to rip open the bag?  Of course they would! Did you know there's actually a brand called "Solid Gold Barking at the Moon" (why would anyone want to encourage that in their dog?) and then of course the "IAMS" which could be putting the dog on an ego trip. :)  Nobody gets to say "I AM" other than the I AM.  And then there's my favorite brand "Taste of the Wild"...just sounds inviting and my dog likes it. 

Well believe it or not I realize that the words on the packages are for us consumers, not the dogs - but what I consume personally some days could be considered "crumbs" especially in the spiritual food category.  I make sure I get normal, large, or Super-Size portions of food for the body.  But soul food?  That’s too often best described as a tiny morsel, scraps, tidbits of the real stuff, just a spec, a fragment of the larger portion available …basically just crumbs.  

I think I have it in reverse.  I would be a lean mean fighting machine (or maybe just fit) if I took just the crumbs from my plate instead of the whole plate full, and eat normal portions of spiritual food.  What's on the plate matters, because even large amounts of junk foods don’t satisfy or sustain for very long.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of spiritual junk food out there. (I’ll try to come up with some great menus at another time.) But it starts with regular meals, normal portions, and then menu selections can be fine tuned.  It may take a while to figure out what strengthens and what leaves us lacking.  What inspires, and what makes us tired and droopy.  What makes us want to come back for more, and what leaves us dreading the next meal. But, it won't be long before we’ll find some treats ready and waiting, just for the taking....if we'll just come and get it. I’m just sayin’.